Congratulations Class of 2019!

On Friday June 7, 2019, Hanson International Academy celebrated its 2019 Ontario Graduates at the George Ignatieff Theatre.

The achievement of the graduating class of 2019 was celebrated by the distinguished faculty and members of staff, guests, friends and family.

Hanson Canada President and CEO Shouyi Ma, Vice Principal Yelena Mordovskaya and senior faculty member, Kerry Kotlarchuk, all shared their personal journeys and delivered inspiring messages to the Graduates.

Nervous graduates relaxed as Vice Principal Mordovskaya provided them with encouraging words of wisdom assuring them even failure carries within itself a first attempt in learning. President Shouyi Ma painted the big picture for the students through his speach on the journey of life with all its ups and downs. Mr. Kotlarchuck inspried students with his own experiences with overcoming adversity in high school.

Valedictorian Peiyu Hu delivered a heartwarming speech speaking to the year the graduates shared in together as her proud teachers looked on from the audience. From Halloween to the annual CN Tower climb, they grew up to learn and experience life in Canada together. Her remarks reflected on their dedicated educational journey and encouraged the furture graduates of 2020 to follow in the path of their predecessors.

Like all journeys, this one has also come to an end. Our Hanson International Academy graduates are leaving our campus and walking towards their adult life in their respective colleges and universities. We wish them the best of luck with their future careers and anxiously await the day when they return to visit.

Congratulations Class of 2019!

#HIA2019 #HansonStrong #thefutureisbright