Academic Services

Educational Guidance
At Hanson, we provide one-on-one counselling for each individual student to better plan their high school education in advance. We assess students’ strengths and weaknesses, coach them on developing their interests and identifying their goals, help them select the right courses and make their personalized study plans. Our staff and faculty are also dedicated to supporting every student’s smooth adjustment to the Canadian culture and the Canadian learning environment.

Academic Monitoring
Hanson effectively tracks students’ academic performance to make sure their learning progress. We communicate with the faculty and the students every day, and timely identify students’ learning issues, difficulties and struggles to resolve the problems at the earliest stage. Meanwhile, we coach students to develop good learning habits and acquire useful skills to maximize their success.

Extra Tutoring
Hanson provides customized extra tutoring services for students who need additional assistance in studying certain subjects, as well as those who may miss class time and evaluation opportunities due to other commitments or specific circumstances. Our caring and patient teachers will help students improve their learning and academic performance by offering one-on-one tutoring on-site.

Parent Counseling
Hanson establishes and maintains good relationships with parents. We routinely update parents on student attendance and academic performance by providing detailed monthly reports as well as semester-based midterm and final report cards. Our dedicated staff timely communicate with parents regarding students’ education plans as well as their well-being, answer parents’ inquiries and address their concerns. We work with parents to better understand and support students to reach their goals in Canada.

University Application
We help students with their full university application cycle and make sure they are on the right track every step of the way, including choosing programs and universities, applying on OUAC, meeting IELTS requirements, writing personal statements and following up with University Admission officers. During university application season, Hanson arranges students to attend Ontario Universities’ Fair and invites designated university representatives from prestigious Canadian universities to give application information sessions and answer student inquiries on campus.

Let's meet some teachers and students of Hanson International Academy!

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